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23124 CC/W33 , 22334CAK,

Aligning roller bearing of the characteristics and uses:
Spherical roller bearings have two roller is mainly used to bear radial load, but also able to withstand the axial load in either direction. This kind of bearing capacity of radial load, especially for overloaded or vibration load, but can not afford the pure axial load; aligning performance is good, can compensate concentricity error.
Specific classification and models of control:
A self-aligning roller bearings (20000 CC type)
2 conical bore self-aligning roller bearings (20000 CCK type)
3, Spherical Roller Bearing (20000 CC/W33 type)
4, the conical bore self-aligning roller bearings (20000 CCK/W33 type)
5, mounted on an adapter sleeve hole-aligning roller bearings (20000 CCK + H0000 type)
6, mounted on an adapter sleeve hole-aligning roller bearings (20000 CCK/W33 + H0000 to type)
Note: mainly used to bear radial load and smaller axial load can also afford to bear the radial load capacity high-profile heart good performance, allowing the inner ring outer ring relative tilt is not greater than $ 42. Conditions tapered bore bearing inner ring is mounted on an adapter sleeve bearings are suitable mounted on the optical axis of the shaft shoulder applicable require frequent installation and removal bearing occasions outer ring lubrication groove and three lubrication holes along the axial movement of adjustable radial clearance subsequently to increase for code 56 - "bearing lubrication and cooling of the lubrication slots.

RELEVANT Spherical roller bearings
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