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UCT Series

pillow block, also known as a plummer block or bearing housing, is a pedestal used to provide support for a rotating shaft with the help of compatible bearings & various accessories. Housing material for a pillow block is typically made of cast iron or cast steel.

pillow blocks are usually referred to the housings which have a bearing fitted into them & thus the user need not purchase the bearings separately. pillow block are usually mounted in cleaner environments & generally are meant for lesser loads of general industry. These differ from "plummer block" which are bearing housings supplied without any bearings & are usually meant for higher load ratings & corrosive industrial environments. However the terms pillow block & plummer block are used interchangeably in certain parts of the world.

The fundamental application of both types is the same which is to primarily mount bearings safely enabling their outer ring to be stationary while allowing rotation of the inner ring. The housing is bolted to a foundation through the holes in the base. Bearing housings are either split type or unsplit type. Split type housings are usually two piece housings where the cap and base can be detached, while certain series are one single piece housings. Various seals are provided to prevent dust and other contaminants from entering the housing. Thus the housing provides a clean environment for the expensive bearings to freely rotate, hence increasing their performance and duty cycle.

bearing housings are usually made of grey cast iron. However various grades of metals can be used to manufacture the same.

ISO 113 specifies internationally accepted dimensions for plummer blocks.

WGD Bearing
Dimensions    mm
d o q p q s b k e a w j l h B n
UCT201 12 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 31 12.7 0.8
UCT201-8 1/2 5/8 25/64 1-1/64 1-1/4 3/4 2-1/64 15/32 2-63/64 3-1/2 3-11/16 1-1/4 13/16 2-13/32 1.2205 0.5 0.8
UCT202 15 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 31 12.7 0.79
UCT202-9 9/16 5/8 25/64 1-1/64 1-1/4 3/4 2-1/64 15/32 2-63/64 3-1/2 3-11/16 1-1/4 13/16 2-13/32 1.2205 0.5 0.79
UCT202-10 5/8 0.79
UCT203 17 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 31 12.7 0.78
UCT203-11 11/16 5/8 25/64 1-1/64 1-1/4 3/4 2-1/64 15/32 2-63/64 3-1/2 3-11/16 1-1/4 13/16 2-13/32 1.2205 0.5 0.77
UCT204 20 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 94 32 21 61 31 12.7 0.76
UCT204-12 3/4 5/8 25/64 1-1/64 1-1/4 3/4 2-1/64 15/32 2-63/64 3-1/2 3-11/16 1-1/4 13/16 2-13/32 1.2205 0.5 0.76
UCT205 25 16 10 51 32 19 51 12 76 89 97 32 24 62 34.1 14.3 0.81
UCT205-13 13/16 5/8 25/64 1-1/64 1-1/4 3/4 2-1/64 15/32 2-63/64 3-1/2 3-13/16 1-1/4 15/16 2-7/16 1.3425 0.563 0.85
UCT205-14 7/8 0.84
UCT205-15 15/16 0.82
UCT205-16 1 0.81
UCT206 30 16 10 56 37 22 57 12 89 102 113 37 28 70 38.1 15.9 1.22
UCT206-17 1-1/16 5/8 25/64 2-7/32 1-29/64 55/64 2-1/4 15/32 3-1/2 4-1/64 4-29/64 1-29/64 1-3/32 2-3/4 1.5 0.626 1.23
UCT206-18 1-1/8 1.24
UCT206-19 1-3/16 1.22
UCT206-20 1-1/4 1.21
UCT207 35 16 13 64 37 22 64 12 89 102 129 37 30 78 42.9 17.5 1.44
UCT207-20 1-1/4 5/8 33/64 2-33/64 1-29/64 55/64 2-33/64 15/32 3-1/2 4-1/64 5-5/64 1-29/64 1-3/16 3-5/64 1.689 0.689 1.5
UCT207-21 1-5/16 1.46
UCT207-22 1-3/8 1.44
UCT207-23 1-7/16 1.41
UCT208 40 19 16 83 49 29 83 16 102 114 144 49 33 89 49.2 19 2.4
UCT208-24 1-1/2 3/4 5/8 3-17/64 1-15/16 1-9/64 3-17/64 5/8 4-1/64 4-31/64 5-43/64 1-15/16 1-5/16 3-1/2 1.937 0.748 2.44
UCT208-25 1-9/16 2.41
UCT209 45 19 16 83 49 29 83 16 102 117 144 49 35 87 49.2 19 2.36
UCT209-26 1-5/8 3/4 5/8 3-17/64 1-15/16 1-9/64 3-17/64 5/8 4-1/64 4-39/64 5-43/64 1-15/16 1-3/8 3-27/64 1.937 0.748 2.46
UCT209-27 1-11/16 2.42
UCT209-28 1-3/4 2.38
UCT210 50 19 16 83 49 29 86 16 102 117 149 49 37 90 51.6 19 2.43
UCT210-29 1-13/16 3/4 5/8 3-17/64 1-15/16 1-9/64 3-17/64 5/8 4-1/64 4-39/64 5-55/64 1-15/16 1-15/32 3-35/64 2.0315 0.748 2.55
UCT210-30 1-15/16 2.5
UCT210-31 2 2.45
UCT210-32 2.41
UCT211 55 25 19 102 64 35 95 22 130 146 171 64 38 106 55.6 22.2 4.11
UCT211-32 2 63/64 3/4 4-1/64 2-1/32 1-3/8 3-3/4 55/64 5-1/8 5-3/4 6-47/64 2-33/64 1-1/2 4-11/64 2.189 0.874 4.26
UCT211-33 2-1/16 4.2
UCT211-34 2-1/8 4.15
UCT211-35 2-3/16 4.09
UCT212 60 32 19 102 64 35 102 22 130 146 194 64 42 119 65.1 25.4 4.97
UCT212-36 2-1/4 1-17/64 3/4 4-1/64 2-1/32 1-3/8 4-1/64 55/64 5-1/8 5-3/4 7-41/64 2-33/64 1-21/32 4-11/16 2.563 1 5.1
UCT212-37 2-5/16 5.02
UCT212-38 2-3/8 4.95
UCT212-39 2-7/16 4.88
UCT213 65 32 21 111 70 41 121 26 151 167 224 70 44 137 65.1 25.4 6.65
UCT213-40 2-1/2 1-17/64 53/64 4-3/8 2-3/4 1-39/64 4-49/64 1-1/32 5-15/16 6-37/64 8-13/16 2-3/4 1-23/32 5-25/64 2.563 1 6.74
UCT213-41 2-9/16 6.65
UCT214 70 32 21 111 70 41 121 26 151 167 224 70 46 137 74.6 30.2 7.05
UCT214-42 2-5/8 1-17/64 53/64 4-3/8 2-3/4 1-39/64 4-49/64 1-1/32 5-15/16 6-37/64 8-13/16 2-3/4 1-13/16 5-25/64 2.937 1.189 7.26
UCT214-43 2-11/16 7.16
UCT214-44 2-3/4 7.06
UCT215 75 32 21 111 70 41 121 26 151 167 232 70 48 140 77.8 33.3 7.41
UCT215-45 2-13/16 1-17/64 53/64 4-3/8 2-3/4 1-39/64 4-49/64 1-1/32 5-15/16 6-37/64 9-9/64 2-3/4 1-57/64 5-33/64 3.063 1.311 7.66
UCT215-46 37445 7.55
UCT215-47 2-15/16 7.44
UCT215-48 3 7.32
UCT216 80 32 21 111 70 41 121 26 165 184 235 70 51 140 82.6 33.3 8.3
UCT216-49 3-1/16 1-17/64 53/64 4-3/8 2-3/4 1-39/64 4-49/64 1-1/32 6-1/2 7-1/4 9-1/4 2-3/4 2 5-33/64 3.252 1.311 8.48
UCT216-50 3-1/8 8.35
UCT216-51 3-3/16 8.22
UCT217 85 38 29 124 73 48 157 30 173 198 260 73 54 162 85.7 34.1 11..00
UCT217-52 3-1/4 1-1/2 1-9/64 4-7/8 2-7/8 1-57/64 6-3/16 1-3/16 6-13/16 7-51/64 10-15/64 2-7/8 2-1/8 6-3/8 3.374 1.343 11.22
UCT217-53 3-5/16 11.09
UCT217-55 3-7/16 10.8
UCT305 25 16 14 62 36 26 65 12 80 89 122 36 26 76 38 15 1.4
UCT305-13 13/16 5/8 9/16 2-7/16 1-13/32 1-1/32 2-9/16 0.472 3-5/32 3-1/2 4-13/16 1-13/32 1-1/32 3 1.4961 0.591
UCT305-14 7/8
UCT305-15 15/16
UCT305-16 1
UCT306 30 18 16 70 41 28 74 16 90 100 137 41 28 85 43 17 1.8
UCT306-17 1-1/16 23/32 5/8 2-3/4 1-5/8 1-3/32 2-29/32 0.63 3-55/64 3-15/16 5-13/32 1-5/8 1-3/32 3-11/32 1.6929 0.669
UCT306-18 1-1/8
UCT306-19 1-3/16
UCT307 35 20 17 75 45 30 80 16 100 111 150 45 32 94 48 19 2.4
UCT307-20 1-1/4 25/32 43/64 2-15/16 1-25/32 1-3/16 2-5/32 0.63 3-15/16 4-3/8 5-29/32 1-25/32 1-1/4 3-11/16 1.8898 0.748
UCT307-21 1-5/16
UCT307-22 1-3/8
UCT307-23 1-7/16
UCT308 40 22 19 83 50 32 89 18 112 124 162 50 34 100 52 19 3
UCT308-24 1-1/2 7/8 3/4 3-17/64 1-31/32 1-1/4 3-1/2 0.709 4-13/32 4-7/8 6-3/8 1-21/32 1-11/32 3-15/16 2.0472 0.748
UCT308-25 1-9/16
UCT309 45 24 20 90 55 34 97 18 125 138 178 55 38 110 57 22 4
UCT309-26 1-5/8 15/16 25/32 3-17/32 2-5/32 1-11/32 3-13/16 0.709 4-59/64 5-7/16 7 2-5/32 1-1/2 4-11/32 2.2441 0.886
UCT309-27 1-11/16
UCT309-28 1-3/4
UCT310 50 27 22 98 61 37 106 20 140 151 192 61 40 118 61 22 5
UCT310-29 1-13/16 1-1/16 7/8 3-27/32 2-13/32 1-15/32 4-3/16 0.787 5-33/64 5-15/16 7-9/16 2-13/32 1-9/16 4-21/32 2.4016 0.866
UCT310-30 1-7/8
UCT310-31 1-15/16
UCT311 55 29 23 105 66 39 115 22 150 163 207 66 44 127 66 25 6.4
UCT311-32 2 1-15/16 29/32 4-1/8 2-19/32 1-17/32 4-17/32 0.866 5-29/32 6-13/32 8-5/32 2-19/32 1-23/32 5 2.5984 0.984
UCT311-33 2-1/16
UCT311-34 2-1/8
UCT311-35 2-3/16
UCT312 60 31 25 113 71 41 123 22 160 178 220 71 46 135 71 26 7.6
UCT312-36 2-1/4 1-7/32 31/32 4-7/16 2-25/32 1-5/8 4-27/32 0.866 6-19/64 7 8-21/32 2-25/32 1-13/16 5-5/16 2.7953 1.024
UCT312-37 2-5/16
UCT312-38 2-3/8
UCT312-39 2-7/16
UCT313 65 32 27 116 70 43 134 26 170 190 238 80 50 146 75 30 9.7
UCT313-40 2-1/2 1-17/64 1-1/16 4-9/16 2-3/4 1-11/16 5-9/32 1.024 6-11/16 7-15/32 9-3/8 3-5/32 1-31/32 5-3/4 2.9528 1.181
UCT313-41 2-9/16
UCT314 70 36 27 130 85 46 140 26 180 202 252 90 52 155 78 33 11
UCT314-42 2-5/8 1-13/32 1-1/16 5-1/8 3-11/32 1-13/16 5-1/2 1.024 7-3/32 7-15/16 9-29/32 3-17/32 2-1/16 6-3/32 3.2283 1.299
UCT314-43 2-11/16
UCT314-44 2-3/4
UCT315 75 36 27 132 85 46 150 26 192 216 262 90 55 160 82 32 14
UCT315-45 2-13/16 1-13/32 1-1/16 5-3/16 3-11/32 1-13/16 5-29/32 1.024 7-9/16 8-1/2 10-5/16 3-17/32 2-5/32 6-5/16 3.2283 1.26
UCT315-46 3-7/8
UCT315-47 2-15/16
UCT315-48 3
UCT316 80 42 30 150 98 53 160 30 204 230 282 102 60 174 86 34 16
UCT316-49 3-1/16 1-21/32 1-3/16 5-29/32 3-27/32 2-3/32 6-5/16 1.181 8-1/32 9-1/16 11-3/32 4-1/32 2-3/8 6-27/32 3.2283 1.26
UCT316-50 3-1/8
UCT316-51 3-3/16
UCT317 85 42 32 152 98 53 170 32 214 240 298 102 64 183 96 40 20
UCT317-52 3-1/4 1-21/32 1-1/4 5-31/32 3-27/32 2-3/32 6-11/16 1.26 8-27/64 9-7/16 11-23/32 4-1/32 2-17/32 7-7/32 3.7795 1.575
UCT317-53 3-5/16
UCT317-55 3-7/16
UCT318 90 46 32 160 106 57 175 32 228 255 312 110 66 192 96 40 22
UCT318-55 3-7/16 1-13/16 1-1/4 6-5/16 4-3/16 2-1/4 6-7/8 1.26 8-31/32 10-1/32 12-9/32 4-11/32 2-19/32 7-9/16 3.7795 1.575
UCT318-56 3-1/2


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